Privacy Policy:
At Exquisite Gyan, we respect the privacy of our visitors. This blog is a personal blog and does not collect any kind of personal identifiable information from the visitors.
Interpretation Clause:
This blog uses cookies for performing its functions. These cookies are necessary for the site in order to function. These cookies are automatically collected. These cookies are not used by us for tracking our visitors. You may turn off or block cookies by changing the settings of your browser.
A notice of Google in reference to the use of cookies is displayed here. "This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse." Click here to learn more about cookies.
We Do Not Use, Collect, Share or Sell Your Personal Information:
At present, we do not use analytical tools like Google Analytics for tracking our visitors. No ads are displayed on this blog for the time being and no information of the visitors is collected or shared with anyone. So, there is no question of storing the data or information of visitors. We do not have third party advertisers for the time being.
However, information in the form of name and email address may be collected when you contact us or mail us. This information may be used to contact you in the form of reply to your emails. In that case, your information will not be shared with anyone.
The name and profile photo of a visitor will be visible who follows or comments on our blog. This name and profile photo will be visible to other visitors.